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Mentors are those people who instinctively see your worth and are willing to take the time
and effort to help you develop and achieve your goals. They prove themselves to be
very valuable assets to an organization and enjoy the luxury of being able to speak
their minds and the honor of being asked to do so. It is important to
not only cultivate mentors who you respect but to also pass this along to those
who are newer at this than you, so that you have a whole range of
support on both ends.Walk a Mile in Your Co-workers ShoesWe know that there is often
more than meets the eye in every situation, but we instinctively recoil when someone gives
us a negative attitude or when they erupt for seemingly no reason at all. Many
women, on the other hand, are cultivated to be more submissive in their approach, more
helpful. Do this, and you may find another partner on your path to success. Here
are five ways prove your worth and get ahead at work from "The Office Coach:"Be
Proactive This is the number one problem of new workers in the workplace. The person
who chaussures puma is willing to look beyond the reaction in a situation will be able to
see the underlying causes. If you aren't in on it, you risk being left behind.
It is a good rule to temper what your boss needs against what you can
do. Learn a process first, then see how you can improve it. This is a
world of mergers, downsizing, technology that runs at the speed of thought. Within six years,
she was the Vice President of the NYC-based web developer Affinity Online. They have already
made it and they are lighting the path for you because someone lit it for
them and they realize the importance of both. Be Confident I learned early on, that
if you walk into someone's office, look them in the eye and tell them what
you want and why, that more often than not, you'll get it. It's true, that
some are just not nice people - but in the majority of cases, there is
more going on there. We live in a different world now than, say, 20 years
ago. Find new ways to make your boss's job easier and to make them look
good. in nike tn 1994. This is something to strive for.Victoria Jerman Dravneek, a.k.a. "The Office Coach"
began her corporate career as an Administrative Assistant for children's book publisher, Scholastic Inc. Believe
it or not, I've noticed it in some older workers too. They spent their entire
career up to this point in schools where they were spoon fed assignments and activities.
Confidence is a position of power and it doesn't require that you always know every
detail of what you are doing. If there is a big project and your boss
wants you to stay late but you have to get the kids by five, let
him know that you want to help and that you are able to come in
early for a few days to get it done.Cultivate MentorsOne of the greatest lessons I
learned working in corporate America is that you need a good mentor to put you
on the right path. Strive to understand more than just your job so that you
can see how what you do affects others. These are the problem solvers, the level-headed
ones who are able to walk a mile in their co-workers shoes to solve an
organization's problems. Women are especially susceptible to this because many men are taught early on
to stand up straight and look someone in the eye. One way to be in
on it is to develop an innovative mind. They were always told where to go
and what to do and now, suddenly, they're at a job and they don't know
that they are required to think for themselves. Now, I know this is a sweeping
generalization, so please don't crucify me for it, but this is hundreds of years of
human nature and I'm not sure how long it will take for women, as a
whole, to completely eradicate this from our collective system.Go Beyond the Call of DutyWhen someone
says, "That's not in my job description" unless they are talking about something like a
request for prostitution or scrubbing the company toilet, it usually indicates to a boss that
there is a lack of flexibility. She is Director of Editorial and Marketing on Modern
Sage,a Women's Natural Health Magazine She has served as the Assistant Managing Editor of iVillage.com
and has been a producer and consultant for such well-known women?s brands as Women.com and
the National Organization for Women..
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